16:01:00 From Antonio Leal : its like old timey Bo Burnham 16:10:26 From mary jane rykowski : chemistry 16:10:53 From mary jane rykowski : biology 16:19:53 From Eli Zupke : Charles Darwin, 1800s? 16:31:16 From Alexander Chung : We evolved them out, right? 16:36:34 From Ariel Cornejo : Bipedalism 16:36:53 From Ariel Cornejo : Walking on two legs 16:36:55 From Andrew Leano : Thumbs? 16:39:29 From Arturo Perez Garcia : suddenly I want to watch 2001: A space odyssey 16:44:55 From Alexander Chung : Internet cutting out for anyone or just me? 16:45:14 From Eli Zupke : it's been fine for me 16:45:15 From Kameron Toves : just you buddy 16:45:16 From Vanessa Perez : my internet is fine 16:45:19 From Matt Roberts : I think it just may be you 16:45:29 From Alexander Chung : im gonna murder my router 16:46:04 From Junaid Bodla : I think that would just make your problem worse 16:46:18 From Kameron Toves : ^ 16:46:26 From Hannah Ross : lol 16:49:07 From Diana Betancourt : What separates us from the natural world is that we're the only species that makes soup. 16:49:26 From Alexander Chung : Convenient. I made potato soup a few days ago. 16:49:40 From Alexander Chung : My audio has also eaten something bad and has died. 16:51:08 From Alexander Chung : Theeeeeeeeere we go, just had to leave and join. 16:51:19 From Junzhi Huang : maybe stop clicking on too much inappropriate website can prevent this next time :) 16:51:34 From Alexander Chung : I don't even have a website open 16:51:37 From Alexander Chung : speaking from experience? 16:52:31 From Alexander Chung : cmon, don't be shy, admit it 16:52:48 From Kameron Toves : *Bruh Moment* 16:52:55 From Hannah Ross : …wut 16:53:02 From Tedy Setlak : yall wtf going on lol 16:53:25 From Antonio Leal : *insert funny joke here* 16:53:28 From Alexander Chung : hey m8 don't look at me 16:53:37 From Junaid Bodla : chat's wildin on a Thursday evening 16:53:37 From Bryce Malally : This chat is something else 16:53:47 From Sean Takari : what did I just open the chat to 16:54:08 From Tedy Setlak : welcome back to junior high apparently 16:54:11 From Alfred Mariano : That escalated quick 16:59:31 From Alexander Chung : oh, YIKES 16:59:47 From Alexander Chung : Like, unrecognizably damaged? 17:03:25 From Alfred Mariano : natural selection? 17:10:59 From Ashlye Cuadras : Is anyone comfortbale with being in a group chat for this class? We can do instagram or discord whatever works best for the majority 17:11:15 From Diana Ramirez : discord please 17:11:15 From Diana Betancourt : Im down Ashlye 17:11:25 From Junaid Bodla : Theres already a discord for this class 17:11:34 From Antonio Leal : im down for discord 17:11:36 From Diana Ramirez : whats the link? 17:11:41 From Ashlye Cuadras : really? Aha 17:11:48 From Matt Roberts : https://discord.gg/MRZ2eAUA 17:14:16 From Hannah Ross : Thank you professor! Interesting class today 17:14:21 From Alfred Mariano : Thank you